3DS Max建模入门教程
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3DS Max建模入门教程

教程中文名称:3DS Max建模入门教程

教程英文名称:Introduction to Modeling in 3ds Max 2009


教程格式:MOV  附带工程文件

教程时长:4h 10m


Digital Tutors 官方最新3DsMax 2009 教程,Introduction to Modeling in 3dsMax 建模教程,教程时长近4个小时,适用软件3DsMax 2009及以上.全面讲解Polygon,NURBS建模方法。
无论最终的目标是创造综艺游戏、公司标志、机械组装,或者阐述建筑视觉效果,3Ds Max 2009 教程都可适用。通过实例,并表明建设进程,从开始到结束。真实世界的项目纳入整个过程中,以突出关键的概念和技术

Lesson Outline:
1. Working with polygons 7:15
2. Working with NURBS 5:28
3. Working with smoothing and subdivision surfaces 6:22
4. Working with splines and patches 7:02
5. Project overview and interface setup 3:12
6. Adding viewport background images 3:08
7. Setting up a layer scale template 3:47
8. Building pivot geometry with primitives 6:28
9. Adding resolution to the pivot 6:04
10. Building a full section from the pivot geometry 10:50
11. Creating caps from the full section 7:38
12. Modeling the saw 8:50
13. Building the screwdriver 8:16
14. Finishing the saw layer 13:35
15. Modeling the magnifying glass 12:33
16. Building the small knife 7:45
17. Finishing the magnifying glass layer 5:54
18. Modeling the bottle opener 9:24
19. Finishing the bottle opener layer 9:32
20. Building the corkscrew 13:56
21. Starting the scissors 10:28
22. Finishing the scissors layer 8:22
23. Creating the large knife blade 9:29
24. Adding an indentation and hilt to the large blade 6:35
25. Finishing the large knife blade layer 13:27
26. Assembling the parts of the knife 8:43
27. Building the chain connector 4:54
28. Modeling the chain 7:42
29. Adding the key ring 4:32

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3DS Max建模入门教程
3DS Max建模入门教程



3DS Max建模入门教程
3DS Max建模入门教程