C4D R18栏目包装片头进阶教程
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C4D R18栏目包装片头进阶教程

教程中文名称:C4D R18栏目包装片头进阶教程
教程英文名称:  CINEMA 4D R18 Essential Training Motion Graphics
使用软件:Cinema 4D
以一个体育片头栏目包装Logo展示案例来介绍C4D R18样条线建模,关键帧动画,材质贴图,3D动画等基础知识教程。Mograph运动图形模块常用效果器的使用,摄像机动画制作等

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CINEMA 4D R18 Essentials: Motion Graphics introduces artists to the CINEMA 4D workflow. Learn the key foundational concepts, such as spline modeling, keyframe animation, and materials, which are crucial to understanding exactly how this 3D application functions. Instructor Andy Needham also includes practical techniques for creating, selecting, and transforming objects; extruding shapes; working with MoGraph module tools such as clones and effectors; and adding lighting and camera views for fully realized 3D motion graphics. Plus, find out how to integrate assets from Adobe Illustrator, composite multipass renders with the After Effects and C4D workflow, and use the Takes System to try out different materials and settings and export your projects in the exact sizes and resolutions you need.

价格: 3 积分 网站会员所有链接将自动显示

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C4D R18栏目包装片头进阶教程
C4D R18栏目包装片头进阶教程



C4D R18栏目包装片头进阶教程
C4D R18栏目包装片头进阶教程