教程英文名称: Hard Surface Rigging In Blender
使用软件:Blender 2.83 LTS
教程时长:6小时37分钟 (共35个视频)
教程大小: 2.84GB
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Creating an Armature. Types of Bones. Object, Edit & Pose Mode. Armature Editing. Mesh Binding. Automatic Weights & Weight Painting. Bone Layers, Groups & Custom Shapes. Drivers & Expressions. Constraints Part 1-3. Rotation Methods. Ball Joint Multi-Mesh Workflow. Hinge Joint Single Mesh Workflow. Pivot Joint Assignment. Gears. Cables. Hydraulics START.
Hard Surface Rigging In Blender – Blender Market. Robo Rigging Intro. Creating the Basic Armature for Binding. Binding the Objects to the Armature. First Polish. Legs IK with IK/FK Switch. Flexible Iris With Light Control. Retractable Quad Blade Automation With Rotors RPM. Squishy Body With Stretchy Limbs & Switch. Second Polish. Testing, Fixing & Pose Library. Final Polish, Final Thoughts!
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