3DS MAX中Redshift渲染器使用方法教程
教程中文名称:3DS MAX中Redshift渲染器使用方法视频教程
教程英文名称: Proteus VFX Redshift in Production
使用软件:Substance Designer
教程时长:13小时38分钟 (共15个视频)
教程大小: 6.77G
本套教程,讲解3DS MAX中Redshift渲染器的使用,学习工业产品级别渲染效果教程,其他的三维软件比如Maya,C4D等原理都是类似共通的,同样适用于复杂模型和环境的渲染,通用的Redshift渲染技术和技巧。
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In this course we’ll start from basic topics and step by step we’ll goes more in depth to completely control Redshift obtaining amazing results in term of quality and speed. Topic list covers all real world production needs, example scenes will be great projects like complex models, environments, movie inspired stuff, course is based on 3ds max but it can be useful for Maya, Cinema4D users too.
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